I have the Grand Oak tree in front of my house and I have the deadbeat oak tree on the side of my house. This other oak is dying. I had a inspector out from the city parks department in the Summer of 2005 and he said the tree was still living and couldn't be cut down. Apparently, the City of Tampa has a crazy tree ordinance that forbids the removal of any tree that is more than five inches in diameter.
This from the Palma Ceia Neighborhood Website:
Chapter 13, the tree and landscape ordinance were approved by Tampa City Council in April, 2001. The ordinance protects trees 5" or more measured 4' 6" from the ground. A permit (cost $33) is required for removal of this size tree. Grand Trees, also protected, may be removed if approved by the Urban Forestry Coordinator; the permit cost for removal of Grand Trees is $500. A permit (cost $33) is also required to prune a Grand Tree. Trees not protected and not requiring a permit for removal or pruning under this ordinance include Cherry Laurel, China Berry, Ear Tree, Australian pine, Punk Trees, Male Mulberry, Citrus Trees, Brazilian Pepper, Queen Palms, Monkey Puzzle and Eucalyptus. Questions about the tree and landscape ordinance can be directed to David Reilly (Parks Department) at 813.931.2648.
500 bucks just for a permit to remove a dying oak on the city right of way? Did I mention how much I love government?
Anyway, the dying tree decided to discard a limb in to the street on a recent Saturday afternoon. The city got a truck with a crane out to move the limb to the side of the road. I didn't think to get the camera out until after the road had been cleared. Here are some photos.